22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,
23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. (NKJV)
The time when Christ puts all things under His feet may have already happened or may be a long way off (in human terms). That depends on what we mean by “all things under His feet.”
God being “all in all” is also a phrase that needs explaining!
According to the Old Testament the cattle on a thousand hills are already God’s (Psalm 50:10), which picturesque language for “He owns it all.” And, according to Ezekiel 18:4 all souls already belong to God.
Many people attempt to divide the Trinity in order to explain it. But we should always understand that the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) are echad (Heb. אֶחָד) and as such are inseparable.
In accordance with the plan of God for the ages, each fulfills a designated task at various times within that plan, but all are in complete unity as to the plan, the moment of its fulfillment and the events within that plan. When I refer to “God’s plan for the ages,” God is God in totality and not God the Father as opposed to God the Son or God the Holy Spirit.
As to God being “all in all” that too may be translated with a slight difference. In fact, there may be no “becoming” to it. That section may also be translated, “all in all is being filled by Him.” All of creation is now following God’s program for their participation in His plan.
All plans are determined by the goal of the one doing the planning. And so, “filling all in all” is the goal of God’s plan for the ages.
We are now living out the greatest object lesson ever devised.
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