This blog page is very personal. If you read my
commentary on Paul’s Letters on my Web Site, (, you will
find no footnotes because It is very seldom that I quote other writers. The
Late Dr. Manford George Gutzke and one instance of a quote from the Liberty
Commentary are the exceptions. Dr Gutzke was an extraordinary writer and
speaker, and I use his definition of “love.”
I must sdmit that my commentaries are a result of
inspiration and not perspiration. At
times you will find me at odds with the translators. On more than one occasion
while I was actively writing the commentaries, I would be awakened in the
middle of the night with the statement, “Go to your computer, and I will show
you the proper translation.”
When I began translating the Bible my knowledge of Greek
would not fill a thimble.
I began in 1990 with Philippians, because it was
only 4 chapters in Greek, so how difficult could that be?
The translation was completed in 1999, just prior to
the crash of my computer. And so, all that work was lost. But, the Internet had
not become so powerful back in those days. In fact, my first three commentaries
on Philippians, Colossians, and Galatians were so new that at the time they were
the only commentaries on those letters at that time on the Internet, and if you
wanted to read a commentary on any one of those three the only Internet source
at that time was my writing. God has indeed blessed me!
I started blogging using the Ephesians text as the
base, but I will be changing that to certain verses from both the Old and New
Thank you for reading this blog, and may God bless
If you have any comments or questions please contact
me at and
I will responds as quickly as possible.
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