Revelation 2:4 (Ephesus) Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
Many…far too many Christians have left their first love.
That does not mean that they are backslidden, lost again, or unsaved. It does mean that they have neglected the purpose of human salvation.
Due to a lack of spiritual sensitivity, many preachers have put forth a lack of understanding concerning that “first love.”
When we first spiritually understand that Christ has accepted us, we can hardly wait to tell others what He has done.
Salvation is a miracle that exceeds all the physical healings that have happened since man was created.
And, when we first understand His love for us, we tell others. But many, from all denominations and some entire denominations hate evangelism! They have become ashamed of Christ!
Those who have become ashamed of our Lord really never were Christians! Instead, they wanted to make a show of baptism. That is sad!
The Ephesian Church left their first love. They stopped evangelizing. They forgot the purpose of their salvation among mankind!
We have not been chosen to simply sit around and wait for the return of Christ! We should be working in His vineyard!
The work of the Church is evangelism! The Churches that have lost the desire to evangelize are Ephesian in nature.
Rev 2:5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place--unless you repent. (NKJV)
While Christ does have a vested interest in individual Christians, he has no vested interest in the preservation of the first church of Sparta, Indiana.
When he tells the Ephesian Church that if they do not turn, repent and do the “first works” he will come and remove their lampstand, He was not being poetic. The fact is that they did not repent, turn and do the first works, and so He took away their lampstand! The Church at Ephesus no longer exists!
Focus on evangelism! Tell the story of His love for you and others!
The fact is that after being “saved” you cannot be “lost” again.
Romans 11:29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. (NKJV)
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